THE LOVER - ALAUDARK LARK DJ2 Dirt Jump Bike Frame 26" - PINK

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This is the Alaudark LARK DJ2 Frame, which got improvement on weights, design and still keep it's smart and solid. Furthermore, Headset, Seat, Seatpost, Seatpost Clamp are all included in the box for a fast and easy DIY build.

A Symbol of Flight and Precision

We are honored to introduce The Lover Pink Lark , a testament to innovation and design.

The spiderweb-like pattern on the frame symbolizes the feathers of the Lark, a core emblem of our brand, embodying vitality and artistry.

Regarding the technical design: the indentation near the brake system serves as a clearance specifically tailored for larger rotors.

This ensures compatibility and optimal performance. For further clarity, please refer to the attached visual guide.

The diagram highlights how the indentation (marked as 3 and 4) accommodates rotor setups, ensuring both functionality and safety in use.

This version highlights both the symbolic and technical aspects of the product's design and performance features.